Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Trim your nails....

Tonight my husband gave the boys a bath and afterwards I was trimming their nails. I was working on Logan's nails when he looked at my nails and said, "Momma, aren't you going to use that on your nails?". I told him that girls were allowed to have longer nails. This is what he had to say about that...

"Momma, you really should trim your nails because if you are playing tag with your friends and you poke them with one of those (as he points to my long nail) you'll hurt them and then they won't want to be your friend."

So---there you have it. Make sure you all trim your nails BEFORE playing tag with your friends!!


Audra said...

That's why I keep mine short. Didn't you know that?

Teri said...

Oh my gosh! That's one of the cutest stories ever! ;) Thanks for sharing and giving me a smile on this rainy, dreary day!!!

Tammy said...

Oh that is so cute! Thanks for sharing it, it's EXACTLY what I needed to read this morning. ;)