Wednesday, June 18, 2008


You know, I try my best to not say bad words---especially when the boys are around. However, traffic brings out the worst in me. Considering we live in the D.C. area, that means I pretty much can't go anywhere without dealing with traffic. Apparently there is one word that I use more than others and tonight I was made aware of that.

Logan was riding around in the above car (we store it in the playroom). Well, he laid on the horn and yelled out, "Dumbask". I'm sure you can figure out what he was trying to say!! Guess I need to work harder to control myself in traffic!!


Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

LOL - Of course I am totally laughing with you and not at you.

My family always worried that I would "oops" in the classroom, but it never happened. However, when driving around with the kids I know things have slipped.

Audra said...

I've heard that DC traffic brings that out in everyone.

Donna said...

HAHA. That is funny=)

Jodi said...

Well driving brings out the worst in all of us! Esp in DC! That is cool you lived in the same little town I did!

Michelle said...

lol.. I know what you mean ,I don't drive so I walk everywhere and sometimes the drivers get my back up..and I have said something..