Monday, March 10, 2008

Nothing like....

There is nothing like being serenaded at 6:30 in the morning. Especially if the song of choice is "Gulp, gulp" by the Wiggles!! Thing is, it comes out more like "ulp, ulp water". Lucas even made his own verse. "Ulp, ulp chocat nealk". In case you don't understand 2 year old talk, that's chocolate milk. Oh my---I was laughing so hard!!

Lucas woke up screaming at 6:30 (he usually wakes up around 8) this morning. He doesn't typically wake up in the night anymore and when he does, he isn't usually screaming and crying. I brought him to bed with us and at first he snuggled up to his daddy and we thought he would drift off to sleep. Nope---he decided to sing to us instead.

I just can't resist this precious boy!!


Janice {Run Far} said...

He is adorable. I want a baby boy in my house. Two girls is fun, and we have lots of pink, But I want a little Greggie running around my place. He really is super cute.

Melissa said...

How sweet. I find myself singing Wiggles songs to myself throughout the day.

Audra said...

Too cute! I love that little face. He reminds me so much of Logan.

Milk Mama said...

I gave you linky love on my blog. Hope the boys are doing well.
