Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

This was originally posted last year (2007). I thought I'd just bump it for this year. I did add in new pictures of the boys at the end...
Myspace Graphics

Here are the two moments in my life where the two little one's who call me Momma entered the world!!

This was taken the day before Logan was born...I went into labor late that night.

Shortly after he was born....

One week before Lucas was born (I was scheduled to be induced, but went into labor on my own the night before!!)...

Shortly after he was born....

They are growing up way too fast!!

I hope you all have a Happy Mother's Day!!


Melissa said...

Great photos! Happy Mothers Day.

Audra said...

Thank you for sharing those photos and memories again. They are adorable.

Milk Mama said...

Oh it's good to see your face! You looked so BEAUTIFUL pregnant! I love pregnancy photos! You're so luck you went into labor on your own. Induction sucks! :D I pray I don't have to go through induction again with the next baby(ies).