Friday, May 16, 2008

Good deals....

I LOVE getting good deals. Big surprise, huh? I mean, who doesn't? I shop thrift stores often and I always hit the end caps at Target!! I don't hit the thrift stores as often as I used to because it is soooo hard for me to pass up a good deal---meaning, we wind up WAY too much stuff. However, there are a few things that I've been wanting to post about that I was soooo happy to find!!

Up first....a Pottery Barn rug. I happened to spot this thing not long after we moved in here and was super excited. Even more so when I saw they only wanted $9 for it. SOLD!!

Then there is this lovely little contraption that I found new in the box for $4 (did you notice it retails for $80?)!!

It keeps this little monkey contained!!

I know that not all agree with using this, but it has been so nice to not have to worry about Lucas climbing out of his crib and falling down the stairs. We need to get a gate installed at the top of the stairs, but I have to order a special part in order to do that. In the mean time, this keeps him safe!!

I needed a new high chair desperately, but was hesitant to spend money on a new one. When Logan was little, I had found a Peg Perego Prima Pappa at the thrift store for $7!! Well, it was an older model and didn't have the straps that go over the shoulders and by the time Lucas was needing a high chair, it had seen better days. It was still in decent shape, but the biggest problem was that Lucas was so tiny and even with the strap tightened all the way, it was still loose on him and he always wanted to stand up. Well, while browsing the thrift store, I found a Chicco Mamma and it looked brand new (it does have shoulder straps, but I don't have to use them because I can tighten the waist straps down enough to keep him from climbing out)!! Better yet, it was $15!! Yippee!!

Although I don't have a picture for this, I also buy tons of my boys' clothes at thrift stores. If it isn't from the thrift store, it generally has to be on MAJOR clearance before I will even consider buying it. I'm pretty picky about their clothes and I am able to find lots of nice, name brand clothes at the thrift stores!! When they outgrow them, I am able to sell some of them to help cover the cost of buying new things. What is great about finding them at thrift stores (and being super picky about what I buy---then taking good care to treat stains, etc..) is that I often make back a good portion of the money I spent on them!! It's almost like getting clothes for free!!

If there is one thing better than finding good deals, it is bragging about them sharing them with others, so head on over to Themommykelly's and share your good deals!!


Lisa said...

love that rug! lucky you!!

Audra said...

You have got some great deals!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Candi, you are one thrifty shopper, girl! You should be proud of those deals!

I really should do more shopping like that. It would make for more bucks in themommykelly's pockets!

Thanks for the great Flaunt It Friday idea and for linking up!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You find some great deals. If you ever come to Vegas to visit your brother you'll have to show me how to do it. LOL. I posted the recipe for Green Chicken Enchiladas. The recipe makes two pans but it's easily scaled down to one. If I only make the one pan I usually still use a full small can of chopped green chiles. I love them.

Milk Mama said...

Oh I love hitting Target for good deals!!! :D I love getting shoes for my daughter. I don't think I've spent more than 4 dollars on shoes in her lifetime! I'm always finding them on clearance... and cute and new shoes at that!!!

The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

YEA!!!!! Great bargains!!! Someday I'll be able to shop around. At this point in my life - finding a babysitter to keep at least some of the kids is as exhausting as taking all of them with me. Oh, and then of course, waiting til I have a vehicle.... LOL


Tammy said...

Looks like you got some great deals.

I love thrift store shopping and finding a good deal as well. ;)

Crib Tent = Lifesaver! said...

First, off, nice find. I'm a little late here, but hey it's never too late to save money. I definitely recommend that crib tent. Has saved my little one from many falls, no doubt!!!