Thursday, September 4, 2008

More around the house.....

Man, I did not realize just how much money it takes to keep a LITTLE flower bed looking nice. I guess more especially when you aren't good at gardening and have to rip out what you previously put in. Not only is it a waste of money, but a waste of energy and sweat!! Sweat....and I HATE to sweat!

You may recall this post about my new flowers. I was pretty happy with how it all turned out, but a few days of neglect led to a flower bed with more weeds than flowers. According to the guys at Lowes, I most likely had some dormant weeds that decided my nicely fertilized flower bed meant they should spring to life. I'm not kidding either!! It had been pretty yucky out, so I didn't get to pull weeds and when I finally could, they had killed some of my plants off. I just didn't have the patience to wait and see if I could revive them, so I ripped it all out. This time I ripped the Creeping Phlox out, too. My, does that stuff have some serious roots!!

So, back to work on trying to get the area looking nice. This time I put landscape fabric down and Preen mulch. I didn't want to risk the pesky weeds taking over again!! So, after making no less than 10 trips (okay, maybe not THAT many) to Lowes, I finally got it done (and yes, this is another project I've had complete and am late to post on!). Once I had to return to Lowes because I didn't have enough pins to hold the fabric down. I had to return at least two more times for not buying enough mulch. I seriously underestimated how much I would need. Anyway, here are the results of my hard work......