Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New flowers...

Over the weekend I worked on my flower bed. I had not done anything to it yet, so I decided it was time. We have a really pretty ground covering in it, but I didn't like how it covered part, but not all of the flower bed. I tried to straighten it up and planted some new things. It will probably grow back in all sporadic despite my efforts. We're not finished yet, but I'm liking it!! I think we are going to put some rocks in between the new flowers and the house. Anyway, I was trying to get some pictures and what walks into my frame----a little boy picking his nose--NICE!!


Audra said...

At least he's not pickin' your flowers!

Tammy said...

hahahaha!!! that is too cute!

FDC Movies said...

Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop
myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man,Keep it up. :