Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lucas the Grump....

Lucas has been very fussy the last few days. Last night (or should I say early this morning), he woke after midnight. He literally thought it was time to get up and was heartbroken that we put him back into bed. It makes me feel like a bad mommy to hear him cry, even though I know that isn't the case. When I put him back in bed, he sounded a little congested, so I thought he might be getting sick. He is also still cutting a molar, so I gave him some tylenol and orajel in case his tooth was causing problems.

Well, tonight after dinner I was wanting to go grocery shopping. We typically all go together, but I was considering going by myself because of the way Lucas has been today. Well, I asked him if he would be a good boy at the grocery store. I wish you could have heard him, because me saying this is not near as funny. He laughed the cutest, rotten laugh and said, "No". The laugh was almost asking me if I was crazy! At least he was honest!!


Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Teething is such a horrible thing for little kids. They do not understand how to express what is going on. Your photos definitely show it. Hope the little guy feels better soon :)

Tammy said...

Poor little guy.....teething is so awful. Hope the tooth comes through soon!