Thursday, September 11, 2008

I remember.....

On Sept. 11, 2001, I was asleep when the attacks happened. I was on the west coast and had worked a late shift. My MIL came and knocked on my door and told me that the Twin Towers had been crashed into. I, a bit confused and partially asleep, thought she said the stock market had crashed. With her still in the room, I turned on the tv and we saw the horrible images.

I was off from work that day. My husband was on a one year tour in Korea. That very day I was going to be purchasing tickets to fly to Korea for a visit in October. I was very excited about it. My boss called me and asked if I'd still be going. I guessed I wouldn't, but I could not get through to my husband. I did not get to talk to him for several days. He was at Camp Humphreys and it was on lock down. I ended up not going because he would not have been able to leave the post and I could not stay on it. I remember that I sat in front of the tv for the rest of the day in disbelief (as many others did). Do you remember where you were?

1 Comment:

Teri said...

I was in my senior year of college, just heading to my teaching seminar course. We sat and talked about what was going on & then left. Classes were unofficially canceled for the rest of the day. I will always remember...

PS - I love your boredom pics below :)