Monday, May 4, 2009

Free summer bowling!!

Since we last took Logan bowling, he has been begging us to take him again. Truth be told, we haven't. It is just so expensive! Not the case anymore! I signed my boys up in the kids bowl free summer program. After signing up, I was offered a family pass for only $23.95! That entitles all of us to 2 free games of bowling per day from June 1-Aug. 31 (I think that was the dates). Of course, we still have to do shoe rental, but it will still be a relatively cheap family fun night. Of course, we likely won't go everyday, but I'm sure we'll get our money's worth! I know Logan is going to love it! Best part---say it with me--AIR CONDITIONING!!

If you want to sign up for this, you should hop to it. The website said that only a small number of family passes will be offered per participating site.