Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Boogey Man...

We were eating at Boston Market a couple of days ago and I learned what the Boogey Man really is!! There is a lady that works there that Logan really likes. This was actually only his second time to see here there, but the first time we were there, she was so nice to him. When we walked in this time, she said that she remembered him and I asked him if he remembered her. I knew the answer to that....he remembers EVERYTHING! So, we go sit at the table we always sit at. That puts my back to the soda machine and Logan facing it. He was looking over there and after a while, he said that he could drink ice tea because it has lemonade in it. The first time he met this lady, she had a drink and he asked what it was....1/2 lemonade and 1/2 iced tea. So...he remembered what she was drinking. Anyway, as we were getting ready to leave, I took Logan to the restroom one last time. He wanted to take his drink with us, but I told him to leave it on the table and we would get it on our way out. The lady told him that she would watch it and make sure no one took it. So, when we came out he asked her if she watched it...if she made sure no one took it. She said she had....that the Boogey Man came in and tried to take it, but she wouldn't let him. Well, at the time, I didn't think about it, but I've never talked to Logan about the Boogey Man, so he had no clue what she was talking about. Trying to make sense of it, he asked her if the man was picking his nose. So.......there you have it. A Boogey Man is a man that picks his nose! Who knew?


Audra said...

I love how kids are so literal. Too funny. Reminds me of Hayden calling manners "woman"ers for women since it is "man"ers for men.

Candi said...

Oh my! That is too funny.