Sunday, November 2, 2008

Arm Ankle...

The boys LOVE to rough-house with their Daddy! Lucas is very light and it is really easy to toss him about and swing him around. He was having a grand time with Daddy and Logan heard the commotion and had to join in. Lucas was running around saying, "I wanna fing (swing), Daddy". Of course his daddy obliges, to which he says, "Fing me again, Daddy!". Well, Logan can hardly contain himself. "Swing me too, Daddy!". At first they were taking turns nicely, but Lucas hasn't really mastered that art yet, so he was trying to get in on the action. Daddy thought he would just take one in each arm. He lifted them up, one in each arm and that is when I heard it. "Daddy, you almost breaked my arm ankle!!". My goodness, Logan, how many times to I have to tell you it is a wrist, not an arm ankle!! (We'll get to break, broke, broken soon enough.)


Christi said...

Arm ankle - that is hilarious!

I like Shaine's goatee. It must be really different for him to be able to grow facial hair!

Tammy said...

Cute. ;)

Candi said...

Ha, ha Christi! I liked the goatee as well, but it is gone now. He says the Army ruined him on facial hair. He had it for maybe a week and couldn't take it anymore because he said it was itchy.

Melissa said...

Arm ankle- I love it. Let him say it as long as he wants, its too cute!!

Teri said...

arm ankle is adorable and ingenious! Too cute! I remember when I taught kindergarten and one of my little girls was absent. Another girl in the class proceeded to explain to everyone that Kelsey was absent because she was having her NOSTRILS taken out...I had to do a brief anatomy lesson to explain that Kelsey had, in fact, had her TONSILS removed, not her nostrils!

Audra said...

You gotta send that in to Reader's Digest or something. That is too funny!

paulp said...

OH my gosh they are so adorable!!! Nothing is cuter than a man with his sons. It's such a special relationship.